
Using voting rights in a constructive and considered way is an essential tool for engaging with companies to effect positive change.

Using voting rights in a constructive and considered way is an essential tool for engaging with companies to effect positive change. We have a track record of voting against company management on governance issues such as, excessive, or poorly structured remuneration, lack of board independence or the absence of separation between the roles of chairman and chief executive.  We also have a record of voting in favour of shareholder resolutions that focus on social and environmental issues such as promoting workers’ rights or the reduction of negative environmental impacts.

We aim to ensure that our stewardship activities are reported in a clear and transparent manner by publishing details of meetings with investee company management and our voting activity. We also publish our rationale when voting against management resolutions as we consider these to be significant votes.

We take the responsibility to vote seriously and in the best interest of our customers. It is our responsibility to exercise our voting rights in a considered manner, within the context of a positive relationship with a company’s management. 

Our voting policy can be found in our Policies & Reports section.

Voting records

View our voting records by date, sector, company and geographical breakdown. Powered by ISS.

View details of our voting

Company Voting

These reports show a summary of voting by geographical region and the votes cast against management (along with the reasons why), during the periods shown.