WS Canlife Diversified Monthly Income Fund

About the Fund

The Fund aims to provide a monthly income from investments that provide dividends, interest payments and rental income, together with potential for long-term capital growth (at least five years).

Essential features of the Fund

WS Canlife Diversified Monthly Income Fund 

      • The Fund may invest globally in equities, bonds, cash, near cash and money market instruments, property, infrastructure and commodities
  • The fund manager decides the appropriate mix of asset classes to achieve the Fund’s objectives, while keeping the Fund’s exposure to property, equities and bonds within the following ranges:

            Property - 0-20%

            Equities - 25-55%

            Government and corporate bonds - 30-70%

    • The fund manager selects investments that he considers will provide growth in both income and capital.
  • The blend of assets in the portfolio is reviewed regularly and the portfolio’s long-term positions may be adjusted to reflect short- to medium-term market and economic developments.

How the Fund is managed

  • The Fund is actively managed. The fund manager uses his expertise to decide which assets to invest in and is not required to invest with reference to a benchmark
  • The Fund may invest in other funds, including those managed by Canada Life Asset Management
  • The Fund may only invest in property, infrastructure and commodities via other collective investments, such as funds, investment trusts or ETFs
  • Whilst the Fund can invest in different asset classes, it may not have exposure to all asset classes at all times
  • The Fund can invest across different geographic areas without limitation

For further details on the objective and investment policy, visit the Literature section to view fund KIIDs and Prospectus.

Ratings and awards


Reasons to recommend

Retirement solution with monthly income

The increased flexibility in options for taking income at retirement has prompted more people to consider new opportunities. This fund aims to provide investors with both a regular monthly income and the prospect of long-term capital growth. There is also potential for a quarterly uplift in income if investment returns permit.  The Fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their money within five years of making their investment.

Diversified global investments 

The Fund is invested across a broad range of asset classes, including equities, bonds and property, and in a wide range of geographic regions, sectors and companies. This level of diversification allows the fund manager to access more investment opportunities while also spreading risk.

A focus on quality 

The fund manager focuses on identifying equity investments that are backed by robust business models, strong balance sheets and market share, together with the ability to provide stable or growing dividends and other income streams. When selecting fixed income securities, the focus is on the underlying fundamentals and strength of the balance sheets of the companies with a target of optimising risk-adjusted returns

This fund is available as part of the Core Range within Canada Life’s Retirement Account solution. For more information on this visit here.

The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested

The fund may invest in property funds that may be illiquid and subject to wide price spreads, both of which can impact the value of the fund. The value of the property is based on the opinion of a valuer and is therefore subjective.

This page is for information only. It does not constitute a direct offer to anyone, or a solicitation by anyone, to subscribe for shares or buy units in fund(s). Subscription for shares and buying units in the fund must only be made on the basis of the latest Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available in the Literature section

Fund Manager

Craig Rippe

Head of Multi-Asset

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Jordan Sriharan

Fund Manager, Multi-Asset

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Sales contact

Elma Aljkanovic

Business Development Manager

07435 790 462 

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