WS Canlife Portfolio III Fund

About the Fund

The Fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth and income (over at least five years) while seeking to remain within a defined risk band.


Essential features of the Fund

WS Canlife Portfolio III Fund 

    • The Fund invests in funds that give exposure to asset classes across the globe including equities, government and corporate bonds, other transferable securities, immovable property and cash
  • At least 90% of the Fund is invested in other funds. These are usually funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management but it may also invest in funds managed by external managers
  • With the exception of immovable property, the fund manager may also invest up to 10% of the Fund directly in the asset classes mentioned above
  • The Fund's exposure to equities may be up to 45% of the value of the portfolio

How the Fund is managed

  • The fund manager has discretion to invest in the investments described above and seeks to retain an asset allocation that is based on a third party's calculation of volatility. Dynamic Planner, an independent investment research agency, has defined asset allocations for risk bands ranging between 1 and 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. WS Canlife Portfolio III Fund is aligned to Dynamic Planner’s strategic allocation for risk profile 3
  • Dynamic Planner undertakes a quarterly review to assess asset allocation, volatility and fund size to ensure they continue to meet their stated risk profile
  • The Fund is assessed daily to measure exposure and enable the portfolio to be rebalanced where necessary

For further details on the objective and investment policy, visit the Literature section to view fund KIIDs and Prospectus.

Ratings and Awards


 Fund Manager of the year awards 2022



Reasons to recommend

Client suitability

The Fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their money within five years of making their investment. It may be appropriate for investors whose risk profile shows they have a lower risk appetite and are seeking a stable return with reduced risk to capital in a highly diversified investment that is spread across multiple asset classes. The portfolio invests predominantly in the UK, with some international exposure.

In-house management expertise 

By investing mainly in our own cost-effective range of actively managed funds, we are able to draw on the expertise of our in-house fund management teams and their long-term track records in fixed income, equities and property. The fund manager also has the ability to choose other external investment managers if an internal fund is not available or suitable.

Proven track record

Canada Life Asset Management has many years of proven capability in risk-targeted fund management, having launched similar life and pension funds in March 2008.

This fund is available as part of the Core Range within Canada Life’s Retirement Account solution. For more information on this visit here.

The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested

The fund may invest in property funds that may be illiquid and subject to wide price spreads, both of which can impact the value of the fund. The value of the property is based on the opinion of a valuer and is therefore subjective.

This page is for information only. It does not constitute a direct offer to anyone, or a solicitation by anyone, to subscribe for shares or buy units in fund(s). Subscription for shares and buying units in the fund must only be made on the basis of the latest Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available in the Literature section

Fund Managers

Craig Rippe

Head of Multi-Asset

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Jordan Sriharan

Fund Manager, Multi-Asset

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Sales contact

Elma Aljkanovic

Business Development Manager

07435 790 462 

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